You Can Call Me Al

[Cool Picture by DALL-E]

I said I’d write about AI next, and while I’ve thought of a few topics since then, let’s hit the A.I. or AI or Artificial Intelligence thing. Seems to be a popular topic, for both those who see it as solving the world’s problems to those who see the end of the world as we know it (credit to R.E.M. for a great song). I’m somewhere in the middle of this bell curve as I see both sides, but looking back on history, I figure we’re going to settle in that 1 Standard Deviation area. In other words, I’m not getting all worked up either way.

As I’ve said before, I follow charts partially because I believe history repeats itself. Not exactly, but on a general level. Wars are fought over religion, new arrivals to a country are shunned for being different, yada, yada, yada. We’re back to cycles and the many things I’ve preached here before. I’m not sure if I’ve said it outright, but 90% of the things we think of as fires just aren’t. I carry this perspective not just in the markets, but within my Product Management career as well. Instead of using a bunch of energy running in circles saying, ‘The sky is falling,’ I’d rather use that same energy to take a step back and assess the realities of the situation at hand and find solutions to the problem.

As for AI, let’s start with the doom and gloom side. That way we can end on a high note. Throughout history, new discoveries and inventions have threatened everything from our livelihoods to our very existence, and yet we’re still here…and I get to write about it. I don’t remember reading about this specifically, but I’m guessing the invention of a firearm was an example of humanity itself is threatened. Suddenly, I can attack from a distance on an individual level. Sounds scary as heck. But then we gave those guns to the good guys and used them to defend the very society we thought we would end. And then came the atom bomb and the destruction it could bring in one fell swoop. We’re still here, thankfully.

A recent refrain has been from people that write code, ‘AI is going to make me obsolete.’ A bit dramatic, no? Rubber tires put ‘wheelwrights’ out of business. Internal combustion engines created an overabundance of farriers, blacksmiths specializing in horseshoes. The entire industrial revolution inspired fear across countless professions. In my career, we shut down the trading pits and somehow commodity trading volumes have exploded from that time. With that volume comes liquidity and opportunity. Somehow, we’ve all adapted, survived, and thrived no matter the advancement.

I’ve used ChatGPT to help write some Powershell and Python scripts as well as code for charts. It works. It gets me where I want to be without actually writing code. However, an engineer could probably debug that code a lot faster than I did, and in all the cool advanced programming languages. Debugging is a necessity. Remember, AI’s programming capabilities are only as good as the prompts and along the way you need to be able to see if it’s actually working as desired as opposed to working as designed. Sometimes when engineers write code to my specifications it doesn’t do what I wanted it to. My last 2 stops we’ve adopted a bug report ticket code of WAPD, working as poorly designed. In these cases, it’s not actually a bug. Something was just missing in the spec because the software is doing what was written down, that written spec is what told the engineer to program the wrong thing.

So, you need a babysitter, and you need a good one. Can a Product Manager do it? To an extent. Can an Engineer do it? Also, to an extent. Can they together make software that’s better and do it faster than in the past? I’m going to say yes. So now we’ve turned the idea of putting us all out of jobs to thinking about the opportunities that AI can open up, just in software development.

Now let’s branch out. Let’s put the panic and the ‘I, Robot’ hysteria to the side for a moment. Let’s look at the opportunity. Let’s think of this like trading. The risk/reward needs to balance to the reward side. In this case we may not have a choice as, well, the I, Robot fear can always be the Black Swan in the room, but nonetheless I’d rather focus on the positive. Remember how I began this thing?…lol

So here’s the positive. Temperature, water, disease, food, shelter, energy…Get the idea?  We’ve got a lot of problems to solve in this world. I’m not talking about the political problems, that’s for someone else’s blog. I’m speaking of the problems we face over time. We’ve had civilization for a few thousand years. Not much in the big scheme, but thinking about average life expectancy over time, I’d like to think that there’s a bunch of generations left before the next stage of evolution.

To accomplish this feat, we’re going to need some advancements that we cannot even imagine or envision now. Personally, I think curing some longstanding vicious diseases in the near term would be universally appreciated. Who hasn’t been touched in some way by cancer? Who doesn’t wish they didn’t have to think about that ever happening again? Many of the things I mentioned will certainly impact my daughter’s generation more than mine. They worry about global warming. They worry about not enough water. They worry about safe, abundant, cheap energy sources. These are long term problems that need to be faced in the short term.

AI can help with this! The medical profession is expressing excitement over the idea of faster diagnoses, faster drug development, and better predictive preventative care. Examples exist of trials of drugs being done much sooner as so much more data can be processed prior to that point in a fraction of the time it previously took. From the Fitbit to the Apple watch, we’re already making progress on a broad level. Again, this will speed that progress along to better implementations.

Electric cars seemed to be taking over just a couple of years ago. Is that really the best solution? Not in its current state. The US built an interstate highway system based on the idea that you can pull in, fill up and continue your trip…maybe with a Big Mac and fries thrown in. Electric cars aren’t there yet. The distance claims are not close to real world results…kind of like back-testing trading models, honestly. What seems good in theory doesn’t always translate on implementation. Now, get some better cheaper batteries, ones that don’t also lead to uninsurable vehicles and maybe we have a start. I’d rather know in 2 years than in 10.

The examples are endless. So just for a change, just for shits and giggles, let’s lean on the side of optimism. Let’s think about the benefits scary advancements have brought in the past and will, no doubt, bring in the future. There’s always a downside. But somehow, we find ways to navigate those hurdles, and often use these same technologies to solve the problems they created, like the entire auto-mechanic profession. So, get creative, think about how to harness this new technology to your advantage. You may find you accomplish more than ever before, and even wonder how you ever got along without it.

It’s Been A Year (aren’t they all?)

A reader and ex-colleague suggested it’s been a while and I needed to write something. It has been a while, and while thinking about a topic I decided to write about a few topics as my own Year in Review. Don’t worry, it’s not going to be 3x the usual length.

So let’s think about 2023, and I’m going to leave out politics unrelated to financial markets and crytpo because, well, this isn’t a political blog. It’s one about how stuff in the world impacts markets and there’s enough other shit to write about. Like recession, inflation, and back again. Like a terrible job market that is still showing an enormous amount of historic strength. Like the insane electric vehicle growth that didn’t happen. Or even the way suddenly high mortgage rates were going to crash the housing market yet Zillow still tells me my house is worth more on a monthly basis. OK, AI is in there somewhere. And of course, as someone who has been involved as deeply and as long in digital assets a I have, we will discuss Gary Gensler. You didn’t think I’d leave him out, did you?

The big picture; what is going on with our economy. Honestly, I’ve got no friggin’ idea. I can throw out some thoughts and ideas, but like all the ‘pros’ and those making the big decisions (do Fed governors count as pro’s??) I’ve probably been wrong more than right on these predictions. We’ve gone from the easiest money on record, mortgages under 3%, to a peak of 8% in under 2 years. I’m one of those tied to my house forever as I’m paying 2.875%. Thankfully we like living here.

Those rates went along with the rampant and rapid inflation we all felt. Now, it’s not like some of the stories we hear about in South America of 100%+ annual inflation rates, but when Hebrew National hot dog packs go from the traditional 7 hot dogs to 6 (never understood the 7 thing) and a Ben & Jerry’s ‘pint’ is now 15.2 ounces I’m feeling it. So, what’s next for the economy? We’ve supposedly put the crazy rates to rest for now as the Fed is stopping raising rates and all the ‘pros’ (remember them?) are calling for multiple rate cuts in 2024. Soft landing? Recession? Back to that idea of Stagflation? Yeah, I mentioned that one, but the economy is too strong for that one…for now. Definitely no predictions from me, I could pick all three and probably still end up wrong.

The job market has been kind of all over the map like interest rates. I was, unfortunately, part of a 20% layoff…er, I mean ‘Reduction in Force (RIF)’ this year. It happened as layoffs were being announced weekly, with over 250,00 tech workers (Finance and Crypto included) lost jobs in 2023 alone. When you’re part of the number, it definitely feels like a lot of people.

And yet, the latest reports and the charts say that this was a rapid but relatively brief event. I can personally say that I see the change back from the doom and gloom of six months ago as I look for the next stage of my professional journey. Companies are realizing that they need help and they are really going to survive so it’s time to build for the future. This is In crypto, it’s in traditional finance, ‘trad-fi,’ so I can only figure it’s happening elsewhere as well. Thankfully it allows me to be more selective about what that next stop looks like.

I’m also a car guy, so I’ll lightly touch on electric vehicles. The car makers have planned and built for explosive demand. It was supposed to be the big moment, or at least the beginning of a big moment, for the car industry. Then consumers spoke. We want range; not just claims of range but real range. Over the river and through the woods holiday travel type range. And we want to recharge in the time it takes to stand on line for fast food at the rest stop. A close friend had a Cadillac Lyriq briefly as a loner car. We went out in Hoboken for a couple of hours. After we were done, the car showed it had charged enough to drive for around 60 more miles than when we started. This was not fast food so we’re definitely not there yet.

Other issues? Well, insurance companies are starting to realize that repairing electric cars is not like fixing your father’s Oldsmobile. These things get totaled constantly. Tesla batteries help actually stiffen the car but they are a lot more expensive to replace than realigning an old school car frame, and insurance rates are starting to reflect that. It’s not a recipe for consumer adoption with all that inflation going on…

Housing? I don’t think I need to point out what’s happening. Either you can’t afford to buy a house because of the high rates or you can’t afford to sell one because of the high rates. It’s kind of a Catch-22. So new stuff goes up; around here it’s townhouses. Sure makes my house with a yard more valuable to a lot of people. But as I said, it’s not for sale…well…everything has a price, hence my monthly ‘theoretical’ increases in value.

This one is interesting because should rates go down, my house becomes more affordable to more people. That’s what led to the last round of bidding wars. As those of you who know me, or have read a bunch of these blogs, I’m not going to say real estate can’t go down. Especially when everyone else seems to have thrown in the towel on that one and just accepts the steady increase. But short of a real ugly recession, how does this happen? Hmmm…I do hope that wasn’t prescient…

AI really stole our attention this year. Depending on the font, you may think that’s short for Allan. Actually we’re talking about artificial intelligence. I vividly remember 2-3 years ago being told college is dead, kids just need learn to code. Fast forward to 2023 and every engineer I talk to is convinced that computers will write code faster and better than humans. Personally, with some debugging (Product Managers do a lot of that) I’ve gotten ChatGPT to help me write some awesome code for my personal use. Way easier than learning multiple computer languages.

There’s plenty to be scared of with AI, but also plenty to be excited about. Healthcare will benefit in ways we can only dream of. Financially supporting all these people that will live longer and (supposedly) need to work less is definitely something worth discussing, but I’ll reserve an entire blog for that…next topic picked! Personally, I’d like to not worry about cancer. Or to have better solutions for my spinal issues. Even better weather reporting and things we don’t necessarily ponder daily will be greatly improved. Aside from the weather forecasters on TV taking less crap for constantly being wrong, predicting things like hurricanes, blizzards and everything in between more reliably will save lives on a regular basis. I could go on, but like I said, another blog.

Ok, crypto…with a touch of Gensler. A year ago, crypto was dead. Again. Crypto winter. No one has a use for it. I call bullshit. No doubt a lot of small crypto start-ups ran out of money, or thought they might and had layoffs. But the folks that are going to make digital assets a part of not only my everyday life but yours as well, were building. And building. And building. Thankfully we had AI taking all the attention so it could be done properly, which often means quietly.

Traditional finance players and the crypto kids alike are all working on ‘tokenization’ of assets. What does this mean? Like much of the digital space it means better record keeping, more reliable proof of ownership, and eventually more control over things you own. I try to preach that this is all evolutionary not revolutionary, so when you turn around in 5 years and everything is accessible to you and no one else simply through your phone, you can remember this paragraph. We used to wonder what we would do with an ‘Internet,’ now we struggle to understand how we’d function without one.

Unfortunately though, like most roads these days, this one has potholes. One of those potholes even has a name; Gary Gensler. It is amazing in a society built on not letting one person have too much power, we have this person standing in the way of what so many are looking for, defined regulation. It’s interesting to me because my Political Science major had me on the side that a government’s job is largely to protect people from themselves. This is what the SEC is there for. To tell us how to not be dumb enough with our money to lose it all. So, we’re all asking for some rules to help that happen. The SEC needs to realize that digital assets are not going away.

The people are speaking and have spoken. In fact, the US is falling behind. The EU and Great Britain are working with the industry to figure out how to make crypto as safe as other assets. The SEC under Gensler is acting like a petulant child that owns the only ball on the block and doesn’t want anyone else to play with it because no one is picking him first for their team. We’re all in this together, Gary. Stop saying ‘La, La, La I can’t hear you’, and listen. Regulation by random enforcement is not the long-term answer. There’s a lot of smart people working on this stuff, I’m sure there are many other solutions that can achieve your supposed goals, it’s time to find one.

So that’s it. That’s my summary. A bit longer than usual, but hopefully worth the read. The only prediction I will make is that next year will hold just as many surprises and we’ll all be wrong with our predictions. Or most of us will be. I’m confident I would be, so I’ll pass for now. Just gonna wish everyone the best going into the new year. I appreciate everyone that takes the time to read this, and hope I can keep you interested in 2024…and maybe even post a bit more often.

Oops…I Did It Again – FTX Edition

There are times I tell myself to post something, and I have a topical idea, but they just don’t seem inspiring. Then this week happens. If I want to have a timely topic, it’s not a reach to figure out what it is. Let’s talk FTX, crypto, smart people, hubristic (it’s a word I looked it up) people, and the rest of us.

As someone with decades of experience, having watched crashes, scams, crashes caused by scams, I didn’t see this one coming. I figured we needed an ‘event’ in crypto, but I didn’t think this is where it would happen. I was an SBF fanboy. I really thought Sam was smart enough not to be dumb. But…shit happens. Again and again and again. My most vivid memory of super smart people blowing up in spite of their intelligence is probably the Long Term Capital Management blow up. I’ve mentioned this one before, smart people being dumb.

So how does stuff like this keep happening? Previous fails being brought up in comparison to the FTX blowup; Enron, Madoff, even Lehman Brothers. Recently I saw a mention of MF Global, which kind of seemed like a good analogy. But when you dig in, is this exactly the same as any of those? No. But that isn’t really the point. The point is that we seem to semi-regularly have these ‘events’ and every time there are countless articles, also by smart people, saying I told you so. Then why do we keep listening to the wrong smart people? Let’s try and unpack at least some of the personal and group thinking that leads us astray over and over.

There’s greed. That one is pretty simple. We want to make money…today. Enron and FTX both encouraged their employees to buy stock in the company. Kind of doubling down on your employer. Enron’s CEO, Ken Lay, campaigned hard for those employees to do this weeks before the collapse of the company. He knew. FTX, from what we’re learning, was most likely supporting the losing trading operation at Alameda Research, an affiliated firm that actually was the reason for FTX to exist in the first place. FTX was created in order to provide a place for Alameda to better access crypto markets as a liquidity provider.

If the overlapping parts of all the stories and rumors are true, the small circle of people running both firms knew that FTX was funneling money into a money hole. And yet this management team told the employees to buy more. Just another source of outside money to feed the beast. Why? Cutting losses is hard. Big reason why Trading is Hard. It hurts. It hurts financially and it hurts emotionally. You need to admit you were wrong. But the hubris of the success that you initially had leads you to believe you’ll be right in the end. Everyone else is wrong.

This same hubris also leads to CEO’s forgetting something that needs to always be remembered; the more successful your company and the more it grows, the more lives you now have in your hands. It’s a real responsibility. Those people are following you and your vision. When you say we’re changing the world, they believe it. When you say buy more stock, they do. And when the plan you’ve masterminded to keep yourself from cutting your losses and losing your sudden found wealth blows up, those people are the ones whose lives are impacted the most. Some will be wounded, some will be broke. All will become just that much more cynical.

So if we’ve seen this repeat itself over and over why do we keep jumping in the pool? Our own greed. Our own FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). If my neighbor is making money I want to make money too. And even in crypto, much of what’s out there is headed for the same fate as those FTT tokens issued on FTX…worthless. When Changpeng “CZ” Zhao, CEO of Binance said he’d sell $2 billion worth of FTT tokens, he was well aware he couldn’t. It’s what’s known as a thin market. The beginning of the end.

A thin market is when there are not a lot of people looking to buy or sell something on a large volume basis. Think of it this way; if last week and the week before houses on your block sold for $500k, you would reasonably expect to be able to sell yours for near the same price, particularly on one of those blocks where all the houses are exactly the same. In a normal situation, where there’s a house or maybe 2 for sale on the block, this is probably a reasonable expectation. But (!), if all of a sudden 19 of the 20 houses on the block went up for sale the same day you probably aren’t getting that $500k. Someone on the block is going to sell their house to the first buyer they can find. And then the rush begins. The rush to be the next seller. Now the prices on the block crater.

Other markets work the same way. There are a lot of people that own Bitcoin and see some value in it. The only value in the FTT token was FTX. And if someone with $2billion worth wants to sell he must know something. At least that would probably be the perception. And now the rush to the exits begins and anything connected to the FTT token, and in turn FTX collapses along with it. I’ve referenced the words of my wise friend before; Lather, rinse, repeat.

So that’s kind of how we got here in a very very general way. The point was not to delve deeply into the collapse of FTX itself, but more why similar events will happen in the future. It’s a combination of factors; individual greed, group greed combined with FOMO and jealousy, and less not acknowledging the past but more always convincing ourselves that this time it’s different. Sure it is. Just like the most recent Halloween movie (#13) was different than the first. But the common theme remained. Everyone has, as I’m so fond of saying, seen the movie before. We still spent over $43 million to see it opening weekend. ‘Nuff said.

What’s In Your Wallet?

I’m back. I’ve waited out enough time to find something to discuss that I don’t think needs to reflect any political arguments that circle around economics and markets these days. I’m going to write about a prediction, which I generally try not to do. Hate being wrong with such regularity, unless it’s just small trading losses on the way to a long ride on a trend.

About a year ago when I was pondering the last blog I published, Trading Is Hard , I told my wife I was thinking about writing a blog about Stagflation. I hesitated and finally decided against it because I hadn’t heard anyone else mention it and was convinced I must be wrong, and that would somehow quickly be demonstrated. Yet here we are. Stagflation on the tip of everyone’s tongue. My wife, to her credit, does remember the conversation and has said so out loud. This time I’m going to go ahead, be bold, and publish my prediction. Can’t think of a better way to ensure that it’s wrong, but here it goes.

Global Digital Currency within 10 years, but one still controlled by international central banks. I wanted to say 5 years, but every time I say 5 years for something, it takes 10. Either way, it’s printed. Bill’s newest prediction. So what’s the big deal? This to me is the most realistic intersection of the crypto nirvana that is so often put forth and the reality that global governments don’t give in easy. Especially when there’s money involved. Especially when what we could call The Currency is involved. The Currency could be every sovereign nation’s own fiat. In a bigger sense though, those could be referred to as the currencies, and the US Dollar would be The Currency.

I don’t want anyone reading this to think I believe this is an original idea. I also know I didn’t define Stagflation. I’m just here to try and help people make sense of what’s going on and what some of the possible outcomes or ramifications may be. This idea has previously been floated, so at least if/when I’m wrong, I know I’ll have company.

The US Dollar is considered the global reserve currency. We think of the value of other currencies in terms of the USD cross rate. Global banking is mostly served using USD. On the same level of importance possibly, energy is priced in dollars. Oil that is, black gold, Texas tea (credit The Beverly Hillbillies theme song). This is important. It shows that globally we want a reference or benchmark. And that reference has grown to be the USD. Is this a forever thing? Definitely not. China is discussing trading oil denominated in Yuan. The public reasoning is facilitating movement of Russian oil. But I’m gonna say, as a Political Science major, that China rarely thinks only about now. Their system of government provides for longer term plans; no one’s running for re-election every couple of years or so. This can easily be seen as a first step towards working to replace, or at least weaken the dollar as a global reserve.

Now let’s look at crypto…I mean beyond the hypocrites who want to change the world right after they buy a Lambo. One of the arguments put forth for Bitcoin is its ability to become a global currency. The ease with which the underserved or completely unbanked can join the world economy via digital assets like bitcoin should not be overlooked or understated. Digital currency does indeed allow for simple direct transfers without the additional touchpoints along the way. But it’s not perfect, and it’s not something that, given the degree of HODL’ers, can easily become the instrument we’re actually using for day to day transactions.

However to ignore the technology and what it can help achieve would be foolish, naïve, and just dumb. We’ve got cars, assembly lines, all the way up to iPhones thanks to technological advances. And the idea of complete decentralization is great in theory, but much like political systems will either fall down at worst, or be unrealistic on a timing basis at best. But diversification can be a stop along the way that makes sense and is kind of a good compromise. A good compromise is what’s at the end of most negotiations. I was taught a negotiation is successful if both sides are happy or both sides are unhappy. As long as it’s even. And that’s what a global reserve digital currency gets us…Some satisfaction mixed with a bunch of feeling ripped off.

A USDC, or US Digital Currency, doesn’t do much in the big picture. There’s not a lot of cash transactions happening these days. We don’t even write paper checks anymore. We use credit cards, Venmo, bank transfers, and auto-pay. So what’s the big step? The next Treasury Secretary doesn’t get their signature on a paper bill to frame? I can live with that. So a USDC, or any other digital fiat tied to a specific sovereign is merely the next simple logical progression along the same old road. Think VHS -> Tivo -> VOD. Think later, rinse, repeat.

But the idea of a global digital currency accomplishes a lot more. It takes control from one nation. It makes it harder for a nation to control a global economy. I’m well aware there are a lot of countries trying to reverse time and become more self-sufficient as they like to claim, but I’m going out on a limb and saying supply chain issues will convince us to open back up rather than close down further. Because if people think inflation is bad now, wait until everything we buy and eat needs to be US sourced. Careful what you ask for, I’d hate for us to get it.

So we’re up to paying for all this stuff from around the globe. I understand that much of the movement toward nationalism around the world is based in national pride, but I’ve said many times as a trader, “When there’s money involved, pride only gets in the way,” (or at least close to it). This is not about pride. This is about maximizing what each country can bring and leveraging the assets found around the globe. And paying for it in a way that both makes transactions simpler and takes the economic power out of a single hand. Not needing to use USD as a basis for trading, business, banking and everything else related will add a layer of efficiency while still letting governments follow and tax the money…you didn’t think I’d be that idealistic did you?

Is this simple to accomplish. Um, fuck no. Is it a logical way forward? I think so. Does it solve all of our political problems? We’re back to the ‘fuck no’ thing. But it brings a level of accessibility to the world economy that’s never existed before. It allows anyone with access to a [Insert Currency Name here] to have the ability to participate. To make and spend money. To be a part of the machine instead of merely depending on it. Won’t solve every problem, and this blog doesn’t begin to address the majority of the hurdles this idea would face, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth doing. I’m a big fan of always Moving Forward. This to me, is moving forward. And I know I’ll probably be wrong, but at least this time if I actually am right, I got proof.

Dollars and Sense

Much of the point of this blog revolves around money. It revolves around success. It revolves around different news items that will impact business, markets and in turn, life. I will often, during a conversation, make a point using a trading metaphor. It’s all risk/reward according to Bill, remember?

The United States is an economy based on business. In fact, I think that the US economy is a business. Our government is here to help us have an orderly society, but they partially base that on an orderly economic system, i.e. the Full Faith and Credit that backs the US Dollar. And in return, we pay the government. I’m not here to say that it’s a bad thing, or start a discussion on the fairness (or lack thereof) in our tax system or solutions to the many problems within. I’m here to point out that collecting money is one of the things our government does, and therefore in my mind it’s a business.

The idea of a business is to make money. In theory, the US is a non-profit but it does need income. And it’s got competition for that income. Other countries are also in business. They all have spending that needs to be supported. Yes, they also all go into debt (we certainly do, but that’s for another blog entry), but other business take out loans as well. Hopefully you’re beginning to see my point. The neighborhood bodega and the US Treasury are very similar. Perhaps a Credit Union would be a closer comparison, but let’s throw some love at the local bodega; it’s a tough business, as is collecting taxes.

All of this brings me to my Question o’the Day: Why is Gary Gensler trying to convince an entire industry to move out of the US? I have been deeply immersed in the crypto industry for over 5 years. Both of the places I’ve been, Kraken and Anchorage Digital believe in doing things in a manner that should and could be fully in line with traditional financial industry (TradFi) regulations. AML/KYC is done, records are retained for years, yada yada yada. Point is, these entities are following at least most of the rules. Kraken actually paid a fine and stopped a staking program in response to enforcement action. Same thing JP Morgan would do for a similar faux pas.

Yet, here we are. Binance being hunted (I’m not sure some of it isn’t deserved), Coinbase stock tanking in response to SEC action taken earlier this week. Anchorage has an OCC Consent Order hanging over its head, with every effort being made to satisfy all the conditions. Kraken and Anchorage seem to be in the position to at least keep doing business, but is that just for now? Wasn’t all that long ago that a few banks had some troubles. I’ll write a blog about the Fed’s role in those next perhaps, but it wasn’t lost on a lot of people that the problems seemed to start at banks that were particularly crypto friendly. Coincidence or Conspiracy, you pick your side. Either way, it’s not good for business.

All of these firms, save Binance, have continually tried hard to engage with regulators and get true guidance and regulation around the industry. The only one Gary Gensler seemed to listen to was Sam Bankman-Fried. Remember SBF? I’d hate to think that all this noise, and torching of an industry, would be to save face. Everyone in the industry has been wrong. Traders, Portfolio Managers, Analysts; they all learn from their mistakes and move on. Letting your ego get in the way of what’s best for an industry and truly for investors? Again, not good for business.

As I’ve often commented, crypto is a genie that isn’t going back in the bottle. As an ex-trader, if there’s the opportunity to buy something low and sell it high, people want in. And if there’s liquidity as has built in crypto, the opportunity is more and more attractive. The finance world is waaay too invested (pun intended) for this to be shut down. Particularly by the only person that seems to believe he can do it. Other US financial regulators as well as people in Congress feel dialogue will lead to the best solution…and then that solution can be taxed! And that, my friends, would be good for business.

Ask the European community. They understand that creating rules for firms to follow, even if barely, will result in more trading, more fees, more taxes, more income for a government. This is good business. This is intelligent use of resources. It takes a lot less to figure out how to fit these products into rules that actually exist or can be written and thoughtful than it does to sit and try and burn the whole thing down. We’re looking at a LOT of lawsuits in this country. For what? Postponing the inevitable I truly believe.

Yes, regulation is good for business. The EU approved MiCA in May and plans to have it implemented by this time next year. The UK has stated that they will have regulatory framework for crypto assets in place in 2024 as well. The US? Looking for ways to shut down every crypto business they can find, even if it’s a couple of degrees of separation. So it’s clear the path to success for the financial crypto firms is to move out of the US. If this was the end of it, maybe livable…but it isn’t the end of it.

I’ve lectured on how crypto is not so mystical as it is simply an improvement on the idea of a ledger, used for thousands of years in different forms. So if we buy into the fact that record keeping is what this is all about, and with it transparency, equality, financial and personal empowerment and freedom, then really moving crypto offshore will move a great deal of innovation with it. The companies that will rely on some part of a crypto will spread across virtually every industry. I remember my dad using early IBM PC’s for accounting; Lotus 1-2-3. Now my computer is in my pocket, connected to yours and everyone else’s. I’m glad we didn’t send Lotus and in turn Microsoft with a little product called Excel to another country.

So where do we stand? Waiting for the inevitable. One person to realize they can’t always get what they want, but that the country should get what we need (shout out to The Stones). Regulators and regulations that really do have my best interest at the center. It would certainly be a good start.

Trading Is Hard!

I’m not sure if I need to add anything to the title, to be honest. Sometimes it’s the simplest things that become the hardest things to accept. Like the fact that trading is hard. There sure are a lot of people in crypto that don’t think this is true. That’s pretty much what spurred me to write this blog today. It’s the idea that all you have to do is buy and HODL. Nope, not a misspelling. HODL, which started as a misspelling, has become the battle cry for the crypto crowd. The group think is Hold On for Dear Life. The idea is if it goes down, just hold on to your position, eventually you’ll be rich.

As I’ve stated so many times at this stage of my career, I’ve seen this movie before. No this isn’t a Charlie Munger, Warren Buffet, Jamie Dimon, etc denial of bitcoin and crypto. As my readers are well aware, I’m all in bullish, to the point that I work for a crypto exchange. That’s about as IN as you can get. So am I long term hyper bullish on crypto? Yes. But I’ve been trading a lot longer than bitcoin has been around. I was good enough at it to stay in the business for a long time. Dead markets, wild west markets and everything in between. I’ve taught others and spoken with many many traders of different instruments over the years. We all agreed on one thing…to have longevity in the business you needed to accept that it was hard.

Don’t get me wrong. Can you get rich trading and not be good at it? Absolutely! I’ve always believed in luck over skill any time. And generally successful people have some luck along the way. It’s been said those people make their own luck, but either way there’s still some luck involved. And crypto traders and hodlers alike have been lucky; this has been one helluva bull market. I’m not saying it’s over, just saying it’s been going on for a while. The run has had some hiccups let’s call them, but it’s been a 10 year (+) bull market. So looking back, yeah just holding positions has worked. No matter what. And those are some strong hands, or ignorant, or a little of both.

Back when I traded gold futures and gold was trading under $300/oz. I used to hear the same refrain. Gold will make new historic highs. The previous high was approximately $850/oz. back when the Hunt brothers were trying to corner the silver market. My response was simply, “If you survive long enough and your pockets are deep enough, you can wait for any position to come back.” This is not something I would recommend…for a couple of reasons.

First, if you’re trading exchange instruments you’re probably getting a lot of margin calls along the way to support the position. Second, instead of holding that position as it goes against you, just get out. You can buy it back again when the setup seems more bullish. Or you can buy it back cheaper. Or you can simply reallocate the money to a better trade. But getting out allows newfound clarity every time. Third, and extremely important,  it’s Painful! Sitting on a position that is going against you and you’re just sitting there watching yourself lose money hurts. And that’s hard. One of the things that will always stand in the way of profits is emotion. Thinking you’re right and the market and the world are all wrong. You may be vindicated eventually; let’s just hope you haven’t run out of money before it happens.

So about that movie. We’ve discussed on more than one occasion the ‘internet bubble.’ When it seemed that anything with .com in the name would make money. One of my favorite examples is always Cutest sock puppet ever! Never made money, stock went to zero (Ok, there’s a trade that isn’t coming back). Everyone and their brother, and their sister, cousins, aunts, etc. thought they were the best traders in the galaxy. Why? Because they were making money. One friend used to trade on his lunch hour and didn’t understand why I wasn’t richer. He was buying things and taking vacations…then it all blew up and he realized no more of that nonsense; couldn’t afford to make money like that anymore, cost too much in the end.

Recently we saw this in fast motion with the Wall St. Bets crowd looking to crush shorts in traditional stocks. Sending Gamestop up over $400/share was a lot of fun…unless you were the one that bought it at $400, because ‘they’ promised we’d get it to $500. This plays out over and over for the same reason Ponzi schemes do. Easy money, or seemingly easy money, is attractive. But most money isn’t easy.

The second favorite refrain in crypto, after HODL, is BTFD. Buy The F*cking Dip. Another strategy that’s fun and profitable, until it isn’t. Buying the dip is great, but how do you know which dip? Or how deep a dip? Or when the dip is done. Buying the dip in gold, in our previous example, probably felt good at $600, and $500, and $400…when do you give up? Throw in your cards? Often it feels like you did it just when you really should have been buying more. But it’s tough! Those emotions again. I’ve got 10 rules of trading; one is ‘Save Emotions For Your Family.’

[Click to Bid – NFT Bids Accepted Until May 23]

The point is that there’s a difference between riding a wave and actually trading. The other thing I like to say is trading is not a hobby. Another friend once told me he got a financial settlement and he was going to turn that $100k into enough to live…for a while. After all, his girlfriend had bought him Trading for Dummies. I kid you not. I have known him since high school, so we discussed this plan. We agreed that while not the smartest guy in the room, I’m generally not the dumbest. And yet, after reading books, studying charts, writing successfully implemented trading algo’s, I still wasn’t rich. If it was easy, then even I should be able to make enough…he finally agreed, it must not be easy.

Sounds like I’ve seen the movie, huh? It doesn’t make me feel good to have to constantly point this out. It usually means people have lost money. In this case I hope it saves some people money. Like I said, the story is an old one. In fact my grandmother, immigrant from Hungary who lost her husband early, yet never worked a day in her life after that. How? She found a really good advisor. For even she had the wisdom to tell me when I was younger, `Any idiot can make money in a bull market.’ Now you don’t have to pay attention to me, but I do think we should all pay attention to her.

A quick note: We lost Welles Wilder recently. He invented many of the indicators we use today. I am a heavy user of his RSI and ADX indicators; in fact the TrendStall indicator I built while at Bloomberg is actually a derivative of ADX. I owe much of my charts success to using what he gave us. I always wanted to discuss his use of recursive calculations over simple, and whether that was his choice due to having to do hand calculations vs what he would have chosen if he had a PC way back then. I’ll never get the chance. Hope he’s looking down with satisfaction, knowing his tools are used and taught and discussed, and will continue to be at the center of our industry for many years. RIP Welles Wilder.

OK Hedgie

So the new kids won the game and the old guard is crying. After printing their own profits for years, the hedge funds lost money. WTF? You can’t make rules, break them yourself and then blame someone else when you lose. I’ve often pointed how often people try to blame their losses on anyone but themselves, yet every profitable trade is just further proof of the genius at work. I’m not trying to save on word count here, so I’ll spell it out…Shaking My Head.

This is not the first short squeeze. This won’t be the last. And every time, there’s an outcry to take short selling out of the market? Why? Because a bunch of people on reddit decided to band together and make the same trade? I remember when we used to be told how cute it was when a group of old women got together and made trading clubs. They’d gather, share their research and decide as a group what to buy. Why is this one different? Because we don’t like the crowd that inflicted the pain? Because we want to protect the crowd that lost money? Maybe some of both?

We’re all pretty familiar already with what happened. ‘Hedge Funds’ were short some stocks, betting they’d go down based on their ‘value.’ Then the reddit crowd came in and bought up the stocks, squeezing the shorts or in old trading terms, giving them a facial. There are so many parts to this that this blog writes itself, though it might need installments. We can examine hedge funds and their trading missions. We can examine other short squeezes. We can examine Liquidation Only, possibly the equivalent of a long squeeze. And we can examine why the people shouting about banning short selling and exchanges deciding a stock’s ‘value’ are misinformed and really haven’t thought enough about their points of view.

Let’s start this by looking at those hedge funds that lost all that money. The guys we’re supposed to feel sorry for. Obviously, I don’t. A hedge fund, by definition, is supposed to hedge. In other words, they’re supposed to have laid off much of their risk by having some sort of counter position. Reason one to have no sympathy. If they were hedged, they wouldn’t need to get inflows of billions of dollars to stay in business. Understand, this is not Bernie Madoff. This money existed, still does, but has changed hands. Isn’t that what buying and selling is all about? Hedge funds rarely hedge. They take sides. Call it what you want. They buy or sell because they think something will go up or down. So, in effect, they’re gambling. Thing is, usually they’re more like the house…they win more often than they lose. But every once in a while even the largest casino loses to a whale. And then they don’t let him into the casino again. Kind of like when Robinhood shut down trading for the masses so the hedge funds wouldn’t lose more money.

It wasn’t that long ago, in fact, that hedge funds were actually the devils of Wall St. So to now turn it around seems like an argument of convenience against the new newcomers. The part about the reddit crowd being called reckless gamblers and the hedge funds being portrayed as the victims is really crazy. Seems to me they weren’t reckless, they were on a mission. To inflict pain.

I’ve told stories here before about the old commodity futures trading pits. Every once in a while, one trader would get pissed at another (well, that part happened all the time) and vow to inflict pain. People said things like, ‘I don’t care if it costs me 10 grand, I’m gonna make you lose 50!’ We called it running someone in. In this case, the reddit crowd was on a mission to run in the hedgies. And it worked! So now we need to change the rules? Maybe we should have changed them before; or at least followed the ones we have. I’ve been in this industry for a while, but I still don’t get how a stock that is shorted can be shorted to the tune of 140% of the outstanding float when shorts are supposed to borrow the shares. IOW, the shares you’re shorting need to exist, and be deliverable. So who was in the wrong?

Again, nothing new. 1922, Piggly Wiggly. More recent? Porsche, Herbalife, Tesla, etc. etc. etc. In 1980 there was a kind of a long squeeze, in fact. The Hunt brothers attempted to corner the silver market driving prices up to $50/ounce. This became a ‘problem’ and so the COMEX changes the rules on futures; it was called liquidation only. It meant silver would crash and the Hunt’s would be ruined. So while the Hunts were portrayed as the bad guys, it was the exchange Board of Directors that changed the rules mid-game.

Robinhood wouldn’t let you trade? I know the issues they’ve spoken about around reserves. But few believe that; their position as one of many firms being paid to provide order flow was exposed and that sure seems to be a bigger problem than a bunch of r/wallstreetbets people getting long GameStop at the same time. This also is nothing new. I’ve had my own account shut down at TD Ameritrade. Why? While no one would provide an answer, I’m pretty convinced it was because we found a way to beat the firms that were paying for order flow at their own game. We were making money. Every Day. I was trading commission free, they were paying TDA for order flow. We both know who won.

Traditional Wall Street firms are like the kid in your neighborhood that as soon as they were losing, took their ball and went home. So why all the outrage? Why the call to protect them? Why are we going to ban short-selling, which anyone who’s actually participated in these markets is well aware adds more liquidity and serves to make markets actually more efficient. Why? Because the suits don’t like getting played by those ‘unprofessional reddit kids who don’t understand how this works.’ Actually, they do understand how this all works. So well, they were able to run you in. Deal with it. These markets aren’t guaranteeing profits, they’re guaranteeing opportunity. Will this end well? Probably not, but a lot of people have learned a lot about the realities of a somewhat free market. Now to go grab some more popcorn.

Which Way Is Up?

In case you haven’t heard there’s an election in the US this week. At the top of the list is the contest for President. You may end up reading this after Election Day, but few believe we’ll be sure of the actual outcome on that day, so I decided this isn’t too late to write…and maybe make a prediction.

I’ve spent the last few years writing this blog and attempting to stay out of the political discussion. As a Political Science major, it’s amazing I can be this exhausted, and this disappointed. Disappointed in the way this has turned into Us vs. Them, no matter which side of the us and the them you’re on. So I’ve been trying to think of what to write about without blatantly espousing for one side or the other. What did I come up with? Well, market analysis, of course.

I look at charts. I try to keep emotion out, except when I can’t take it anymore and I trade on emotion. When I do that, I generally accept that I’ll be wrong. So let’s discuss the chart, briefly, and then go into the why’s. The chart of the S&P, NASDAQ, or [insert broad equity index of choice here] says buy the dips. So on an objective basis, that’s what we should be doing. But what about the post-election moves? Well, rules are rules, so let’s see how to fit this into the current narratives around what happens after the election results.

Mini S&P Futures – Monthly Chart

If we read the above, after the election the charts say the probability is markets go up. But we’ve spent 6 months hearing how if one candidate wins it goes up, if the other wins it goes down. With a trend this advanced, it’s easy to discuss reasons it could go down based on who wins. But I’ve learned too many lessons the hard way. Those lessons usually are the results of breaking so many of my own Technical Analysis tenets.

So let’s try and actually find the narrative that makes this bullish opinion work, from both sides. We can start with either side. Let’s start with the incumbent, Donald Trump. It’s been said by many that a Trump victory is what’s needed for the equity markets to continue this run. We can see where this comes from, as much of the rally is supported by banks, trading firms, wealthy individuals, and family offices with money that needs to be put to work. And while many have stashed money in bond markets over the years for safe returns, rates are too low across the board to really make this a worthwhile position to take on a risk reward basis. Even rich folks want to return more than 0% to 3% based on the risk of the assets backing the bonds, from the US government to smaller municipalities to corporations. So this money is funneled to equities and it feeds on itself…like so many rallies do.

This audience is traditionally better served by having a Republican administration driving the bus. So based on that, it’s easy to see why there is a valid argument to be made for the continuation of the current leadership. Are there counter arguments? Of course…a lot of money has been printed recently. Not the usual Republican way of doing things, but hey, whatever works. There’s not a lot of evidence that the practice of feeding corporations and the wealthy will change with a re-election, so it’s easy to see how a Trump victory leads to a continuation of this ride higher. Anything else is pulling the rug out from under.

On the other side is Joe Biden, the challenger. Many narratives say that a Democrat in the White House will lead to a large sell-off in these markets. Now history doesn’t necessarily support this, as some of the largest bull runs have come with Democrats driving the same bus. Yet it’s an easy argument to make. Taking aim at corporations and rich folks by taxing all those winnings at a higher rate, supposedly printing more money than the other side, these are the things that drive arguments for a bear market. But if you’re making money, well it’s not quite as painful to pay higher taxes. Think about it…would you rather (as the kids game goes) pay $40 out of $100 in profits, or pay $10 on $50? Well looking at percentages only, it’s easy to say the latter. But if I’m only able to make $50 vs making $100, personally I’d rather have the $60 in my pocket post taxes than $40. That’s my math.

But how does the market keep going up under Biden. Well, if we can conclude that much of what has kept these markets afloat is an expansion of the monetary base, it’s pretty fair to say that a Biden administration will pump more money into the economy. It’s how the promise to support those suffering the most financially in a pandemic gets translated into more dollars floating around. But will those who need the money most actually be buying stocks with payouts? Probably not. Rent, food, clothes and all that. But it would be naïve to expect that the only beneficiaries of a monetary policy designed overall to help those in need will be confined to that audience. And we know that interest rates won’t fly higher in this scenario, so we’re back to the place for this money being equities. Yup, bullish.

Will it play out this way? Maybe not. Maybe the second Trump administration doesn’t really keep printing money. Maybe they do find their way back to Republican roots of tighter monetary policy. Maybe the rally that has, for the most part been confined to a small selection of stocks within the indices does run out of steam with a lack of new money.

And on the Biden side? Also not guaranteed, but it’s difficult to find a scenario where a Democrat led administration doesn’t keep the printers going and interest rates low. Now granted it’s difficult to imagine getting a mortgage refinance at less than the 2.75% I just got, but we still have positive interest rates. They could always go negative on a federal level, a la Japan which means I could refinance even lower next year. Negative rates are not something I’m in favor of, didn’t work for Japan, but that doesn’t mean it can’t happen.

So where does this leave us? Well, this blog is titled The Story Behind the Picture. This is what I see as ways for the bull market to keep going. Will I be right? That I don’t know. What I do know is that I’m not getting short again until the chart tells me to. Cheaper that way. Sometimes no trade is the best trade.

Please go vote! It’s your responsibility. And if you don’t, and your candidate of choice loses, please don’t bitch about it. You only earn that right when you take care of your responsibilities.

I Don’t Want That Job

I recently lost my dad. It’s painful, we always discussed my blog of course, but what was most amazing was all the stuff that had to be dealt with. One of those things involved my parents’ investment accounts at Morgan Stanley. My dad had a good relationship with his Advisor. I met him once prior, and found him to be personable, smart, informed, and realistic. I realized immediately why my dad always said how much he enjoyed their conversations.

When dealing with paperwork, establishing new accounts, etc., I made it clear to him that no matter my background in markets, trading, advising, and teaching I have no intention of trying to tell him how to invest what is now my mom’s account. This was a worry of my mom, so I wanted to squash that one quickly. I continued to chat with David over the following days and weeks, and finally asked him, “Can you please explain new highs in the indexes to me? I just don’t get it!”…as evidenced by the obvious losing trade I wrote about previously. I told him I definitely don’t envy the position he’s in.

He laughed. He told me that many of his clients call as they watch this crazy rebound (my description) and wonder why he’s got any cash on the sidelines. How could he not have them fully invested? The line that stuck out to me the most was when he told me some of his clients actually feel like they’re losing money. After all, NASDAQ futures (I think in futures, old habits are tough to break) are up over 80% from the lows of the spring. E-mini S&P futures are up over 60%. So if your account hasn’t grown that much in the last 5 – 6 months you, or your advisor, are lagging. At least that seems to be the thinking of many investors, whether you’re considered a novice or advanced investor. Many of these people are even at the level of accredited investors which, by the government’s definition, means they have an understanding of market movements over time.

SnP Up

But is this a fair critique? I’m not sure. As I said in my last blog entry, many of the most advanced professionals I’ve spoken to, or whose opinion I’ve read, seem to have a problem understanding this rally on a fundamental basis. Being a chart technician, I should be bullish. Buy every dip. But I’m not. Neither are many of these professionals. As a believer that the market is always right, does that therefore mean all these opinions are wrong? Let’s examine a bit and you can draw your own conclusions.

The NASDAQ index is based on 100 stocks. The S&P 500? Eponymously named for the 500 stocks in that index (505 actually). I keep reading on Twitter that my 401k, if I actually had one, is screaming higher. I should be thankful for this recovery as it will cushion my later years. OK, then why can’t these advisors keep up? Well, a couple of reasons. One, it’s really difficult to call a bottom when it’s falling out from under us. And if you did call the bottom, what did you do about it? Most of these accounts are not trading index futures or even ETF’s; they’re trading equities, and that’s when it gets really hard.

The bulk of the S&P up move is centered around 5 NASDAQ stocks; AAPL, AMZN, MSFT, GOOGL, and FB (Facebook). Those 5 stocks have a Year-to-Date return approaching 50%. The rest of the S&P? Negative 3%. By another person’s measure, those stocks account for 44% of the up move. I’m guessing most professional money managers would not consider themselves to be truly performing their fiduciary duties were they to focus portfolios on only 5 stocks. That definitely isn’t the diverse holdings model that is constantly taught and hammered home. And we always seem to forget why these people are good at their jobs, even if they haven’t returned 60% – 80% over the last few months of this surrealistic world we’re living in.

SnP Down

I’ve tried to explain this to many people over the years who have pointed out that if you “Just buy an index ETF, over 10, 15, 20, 30 years you’ll make good money.” The problem with that statement is not only is it overly simplistic, it shuns human nature for most of the population. We’ve discussed corrections and why a 10% down move is a buying opportunity in a bull market. A 20% correction converts that same index into a bear market. The S&P e-mini futures dropped 36% in one month. That does not sound like a buying opportunity based on all the old rules. And we all know I don’t believe in a New Normal. At least not as often as we’re told they happen. We’re usually told by different experts each time, and this is not a new normal I’m willing to buy into (literally).

Double digit unemployment. Small businesses begging for another life line. And every time we’ve thrown that lifeline recently, we’ve done it in ways that devalue the US Dollar on the global currency markets. The argument can be made that even if you are making money, you’re making a lot less than you think you are. But that’s not the point I want to make. What I do want to point out, is that emotions drive most investment decisions that aren’t automated strategies. And even people using those computer models often want to override them when they don’t get the returns they want. They may be getting the returns they expect based on the research, but it still sucks to read on social media how much more money people are making than you. Personally, I think it’s like those Photoshopped vacation pictures. If you were having that good a time, or making that much money, you really don’t need to brag. We can all tell from your smile.

What we need to learn and keep in mind, is that a single benchmark rarely tells the full story. A long term strategy, be it fundamentally based or technically, has to have rules. And you have to live by those rules or else for all intents and purposes they don’t exist. Don’t look at someone else’s family pics on FB to decide if you’re happy. And definitely don’t believe the hype of how much money you should be making. Devise a plan, stick to it, keep your head down, and worry about your own money. That’s more than enough to think about for any one person.

Where to Begin?

Yep, I’ve been absent for a while, so this one’s a bit longer than usual. There definitely is not a shortage of material. In fact I can start briefly with my own personal COVID-19 journey. Not going to ignite any big debates about re-opening and crowding bars. I don’t want this to get political and that will send us there. Being a survivor, feeling stronger every day makes me feel lucky. This thing kicks your ass. Only way to describe it. And I thought I was being careful (paranoid) before I got sick. Just want it known; I’m a believer in masks and distancing. ‘Nuff said.

Plenty of economic material too. I recently went against all of my own rules. I shorted the NASDAQ. Bought puts soon after the open for the trading day after all-time highs. The day the NASDAQ dumped about 150 points. When teaching or discussing charts I always tell people that you should have the same opinion about a chart no matter the symbol. And if I was looking at a NASDAQ chart with no symbol, I’d be solidly in the ‘Buy the Dips’ camp. But I just couldn’t stand it anymore.

So I broke the rules. I went against the chart. I put on a trade steeped in emotion. I went with my gut. The list goes on. And yet, so far I’m right. Stepping back I do see some places that were cracking that maybe I saw but didn’t pay attention to. Maybe those actually were good reasons.

The lack of good measurable momentum. The RSI couldn’t make a new high when the market did on either the weekly or monthly (so far). The monthly chart shows an impending TrendStall, which would indicate the move is over, at least temporarily. But not great reasons to fight the overall trends.

NASDAQ              NASDAQ Monthly

[NASDAQ e-mini Weekly]                                     [NASDAQ e-mini Monthly]

But the Fed is printing money and they’re ready to print more. The government has even gone so far as to buy corporate bonds. Sure sounds like a nice soft cushion under that ugly looking cliff jump. We don’t want to fight the Fed, as the old saying goes. And I’ve discussed in this space what happens when an incumbent President is running for re-election. Make no mistake, many of the actions sold as helping citizens when they need it might not have occurred a year or two ago (one man’s opinion, but it is my blog).

What made it so that I just couldn’t stand it anymore and had to get short? Well, timing aside as it wasn’t the first new all-time high day, but I had been holding back. Printing money is nice, but what good will come out of it (unless you’re long gold and/or bitcoin)? Let’s look at what else is going on and we’ll come back to that one. Unemployment is around 14%. That’s not going to get better. There are business that have hung on for the last 3 months, but now we’re faced with being back where we started. States reversing course on openings. Bars realizing they’re the center of it all, helping extend the pandemic to a population group that we all thought was in less danger (but isn’t), and the people in that group believing they’re invincible…didn’t we all when we were in our 20’s? And many of those people go home to parents in known risk groups. Not going away.

So all that curb side pickup that let restaurants hang on while they thought a re-opening after a couple of months would help them make it through, now see that the light in the tunnel may be a freight train. And even home improvement can only go on for so long when you’re semi-quarantined. Eventually the house is in decent shape. With the economic problems we’re facing and the fact that they could get worse rather than just being a brief period of pain, well, people get nervous. They get nervous about losing their income, i.e. job. Sure don’t live on Amazon as much when you start getting that feeling in your gut.

It hurts to see how many small, family businesses will be seriously hurt and probably close. More unemployed, many somewhat older and less employable; just late 40’s early 50’s is older or simply old in today’s corporate America. These are the entrepreneurs and businesses we’ve encouraged for almost 15 years. Since the last time people lost jobs en masse. We’ve created a Shark Tank nation. Can’t find a job, simply invent a business. It’s great in times when things are expanding and people are spending money. Unfortunately, now is no longer that time.

Commercial real estate? Not feeling it as more companies see people really can be productive from home. Big purchases like cars? Really need a brand new Ford F-150 truck? Well if you’re in the home building or improvement business probably not as business slows. If you leased the last one because you thought it was the awesome truck you absolutely needed to haul your Home Depot stuff home, you’ve probably figured out a smaller, less overkill truck will suffice. How many grills are you really going to need to bring home. You may even question whether you really need a truck at all. Maybe a nice electric car after all. Save money on the purchase and the fuel. Double win. You get the idea.

Vacations? LMFAO. If you can’t drive there, and probably stay semi-secluded like a beach house (but not going to the crowded beach), chances are you’re just staying home. Drinking more perhaps, but there are only so many alcohol stocks out there to invest in. And all of this is just the easy to spot low hanging fruit. The lack of jobs and resulting lack of spending are like pebbles in the pond. The ripples will touch every part, every piece of shoreline. And if it doesn’t happen to you, it will happen to enough people you know to scare you.

Now back to that money printing thing. Eventually that leads to inflationary pressures, Econ 101. One can argue that with the lack of spending I’ve just argued is in progress inflation probably isn’t a worry as there isn’t demand across the board for goods of all kinds. And that’s true. What’s also true is that food is not part of the inflation measures that are cited to make arguments one way or another. But we all feel it when food goes up; I know I’ve noticed. Therefore it’s tough to say that’s not an important thing to think about when really thinking about the price pressures that hurt the most.

So what do we get? Some inflation that no one can avoid. An economy that’s going to struggle in almost every aspect and sector to find a way not to contract. In fact, it’s tough to argue against a worldwide recession. Ugh! As in Ug-Ly. Maybe F’ugly is an even better word. Stagnant economy, inflationary pressures, and don’t forget a currency under pressure as we lower rates and talk about negative rates. This is called stagflation. People cringe at the word. It’s kind of the worst of all worlds, economically speaking. It was coined in the 1980’s to explain problems that previously followed economic theory never accounted for. In other words, the shit would never hit the fan. I’ve heard that one more recently…Oh yeah; mid 2000’s the educated professionals said real estate would never go down. Nope, we don’t learn…short memories. And negative rates will not improve that situation or outlook. Brief Public Service Announcement: Negative rates are not a good thing. I’d go into more depth, but it’s a blog unto itself. That blog will focus a great deal on the economic history of Japan since the mid 1990’s. Or look it up. Probably be quicker than waiting for the blog.

The point I’ve been trying to make is this upward movement in the market is unsustainable. Hopefully one of the many arguments I’ve put forth has made that point in your mind. Did I pick the dead high? I’m not going to bet on that. If I did, well better lucky than smart any day. But the lack of technical momentum, paired with overall economic news that contains no positive long term indicators drove me to it. I won’t learn from this trade if I make money. In fact, it will probably just lead me to do the same undisciplined thing again. But this market is like that old joke about shit inside Tiffany boxes. If you put some shit in a box, no matter how pretty the box may be, robin’s egg blue with a wide white ribbon, it’s still, well…just shit in a box. And no matter how much money we print to find its way to temporarily drive a bull run, any look at history will show this is unsustainable. As I’ve said before, there’s rarely a new normal. It just looks like it till we go back to the old normal. Be prepared.